
What is PostgreSQL?

PostgreSQL is an open-source relational database management system with very high availability, and it is free to use. This system is the result of research initiated by Michael Stonebraker, professor at the University of California, Berkeley — and it is constantly enriched by an active community of experts.

With its extensive features, PostgreSQL can process databases of various types and levels of complexity — and it does so free of charge with optimal performance.

Understanding PostgreSQL: Key features and architecture

The features of this relational database and object management system allow developers to:

  • Experiment with new applications for their stored data without modifying the source code.
  • Edit tables and add new data types.
  • Develop open-source environments.
  • Protect the integrity of their data in total security.
  • Control concurrent access.


PostgreSQL uses and associated OVHcloud solutions

PostgreSQL is a database engine, and is compatible with OVHcloud services as well as most widely-used tools. It supports a variety of data models to create powerful, scalable object-oriented applications.

This open-source tool enables you to work with complex data sets, and avoid any slowdowns. Data becomes easier to store, read and write. We offer PostgreSQL via the Public Cloud, and our web hosting solutions.

PostgreSQL vs MySQL

Main features




Easy to use and configure.

Less accessible, as it is used to handle complex queries and large databases.

Open source

The MySQL source code is also open source. It is distributed under a GNU GPL dual licence and owner. Software that includes MySQL code is free, but if the creator wants to market the software, they must purchase a paid licence.

This software is available under the BSD licence, so it is open source. It can only be modified or marketed if there is a mention of PostgreSQL being created by the PostgreSQL Development Group.

A high-speed database for read-heavy workloads.

The most advanced open-source relational database in the world.


Database Management System (DBMS)

The management system for a MySQL database is rational.

Object-Relational Database Management System (ORDBMS)

In this architecture, data is presented as objects. You can access data in corresponding languages, such as Java, C# and .Net.
Data integrity Tables must be created with the InnoDB engine type, to handle integrity constraints. This prevents unwanted duplications.

This database management system is particularly well-suited to applications with a high number of records. It ensures reliability for data, notably through an autonomous backup and replication system.

In addition to MySQL and PostgreSQL, there are other database solutions adapted to different uses. MongoDB (NoSQL) is good for massive use of heterogeneous data, then Apache Kafka and Redis are great for maintaining data in RAM to reduce access times.

PostgreSQL advantages

Advantage 1

This solution can be deployed to handle large workloads.

Advantage 2

PostgreSQL is compatible with many highly available platforms.

Advantage 3

The active community of contributors strives to follow SQL standards. Their commitment to continuous software improvement guarantees durability and portability.

Advantage 4

Since this software is open-source, it has wide support from its community. Furthermore, many OVHcloud partners can offer you tailored support.

Advantage 5

This relational database management system is an important ally for big data. PostgreSQL was designed to manage large databases, with a very high number of active concurrent connections.
For example, it is used by Afilias to manage the global .org domain name registration system.

Advantage 6

The JSON format has been supported by PostgreSQL since version 9.2. It facilitates data exchange between servers and web applications. This JavaScript object notation is popular because it is easy to use. The syntax of operations is still readable to people, which enables beginners to manipulate data and aggregate functions. JSON also interacts easily with other programming languages.

How do I create a PostgreSQL database with OVHcloud?

We offer two solutions for your PostgreSQL databases.

  • Web Cloud Databases: Provides private databases connected to the public network. Thanks to cutting-edge storage technology, read-write data access is very fast. The resources are dedicated to you, for optimal performance. Every database managed by OVHcloud is compatible with all of your services, even external ones.
  • Public Cloud Databases: A high-availability managed database infrastructure (clustering), with pay-per-use billing and a number of hardware configurations. We manage the backup, configuration, scalability and security for your solution, so you can focus on your core business. Several engines are available: MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis and Kafka.